How to learn Floristry and Master the art

Every time you set your eyes on a gorgeous floral arrangement, have you wished you could create something like that too? Have you looked at a stunning floral wedding decor and wondered what went into the making of that beautiful artwork? Does a stunning floral creation spark admiration in you along with a curious interest in the artist’s designing technique? If you have wondered how to become a certified florist with your creations adorning the loveliest homes and functions, then look no further.

How to learn Floristry is perhaps a question that crosses your mind often. And who better to ask than one of India’s top floral designers!

Read on, as Meghaa Modi, a successful flower stylist and founder of one of the best floristry schools in India not only imparts tips on how to learn floristry but also gives you insights on how to master the art

Q: Meghaa, you are an accomplished floral designer and have been running a super successful floristry business for nearly two decades now. You are the best person to tell us – how does the journey of a florist usually start?

MEGHAA : Every flower starts as a bud and every journey starts at the beginning. In my case, flowers always called out to me. I enjoyed re-arranging flowers that I bought for special occasions and soon found myself buying flowers from the market and putting them together. It wasn’t long before I realized that being in the midst of fresh flowers, applying my mind towards creativity, and understanding various floral designing techniques brought me immense satisfaction. My journey on the path of flowers had started! So, if you feel a similar pull in the direction of flowers and have been wondering how to learn floristry or how to become a certified florist, then your journey on the floral path has already begun! If you are creative, hardworking and enjoy the idea of making somebody else’s experiences more joyful with your blooming creations, then I would say – floristry is for you!

Q: What according to you are the fundamentals for pursuing a career in floristry?

MEGHAA: Basic education, connection to nature, absolute love for flowers, creativity, and patience! We can start with these!

Q: Meghaa, you have learnt floristry under Indian and International masters and now you teach too! How to learn floristry – is a question asked by many aspiring florists and floral designers. We would love you to answer the question.

MEGHAA: Learning and teaching have both been extremely fulfilling experiences for me. If – how to learn floristry – is your question then both as student and as a teacher, my advice would be – join a proper floristry course! There are many courses out there that claim to teach floristry for a few hundred rupees! Say a big NO to such courses. Choosing the right flower designing course is very important. Flower designing is a sophisticated art. Theories about designing and technicalities need to be learnt. Participation in practical sessions where students themselves produce fresh floral arrangements is the only right way to learn floristry. At Meghaa Modi design school, in offline classes as well as online, we make sure that our students get their hands dirty! A floral design course without hands-on training is a waste of time and money!

Q : If one wants to know – how to learn floristry or how to become a certified florist what are the points to keep in mind while choosing a floristry course?

MEGHAA: For comprehensive learning of floristry a student needs proper tools, nice fresh flowers, good quality material and most importantly a knowledgeable teacher. As a pupil you are investing your time and money towards learning. Find a teacher who can make these investments too and is certified to teach. The teacher’s credentials are imperative. A good coach will be a recognized name in the local flower industry and will have a good reputation amongst clients and peers. They usually have their own website showcasing their body of work. Their social media presence will be well established. You should find impressive testimonials online and offline. Floral designers who are qualified to teach/hand out certificates should themselves be certified. Your groundwork and research on the right guide and course will provide a solid foundation to a career in floristry.

Q: Many aspiring flower design students would like to know – how to become a certified florist?

MEGHAA: That’s a good question. Join a course that issues a certificate of completion at the end of the course. At Meghaa Modi Design School, our students receive a certificate of completion at the end of the professional course. Our students of Ikebana, on completion of the course, are eligible for a certificate from the Ohara center in Tokyo. Joining the right course is actually the answer to how to become a certified florist!

Q: Thank you for giving us helpful insights into – How to learn floristry and how to become a certified florist. We would also like to know – how can a student of floral design master the art of floristry.

MEGHAA: Mastering any form of art demands a lot of dedication and hard work. At a good floristry school, you will not only learn how to make floral arrangements but also understand how to extend the life of flowers, how and where to source good blooms, how to recognize the right flowers for the right occasion, season, time of the day – and that is just the start! While a good floral design school will prove instrumental in forming a strong foundation, it is the students’ perseverance that will determine their progress in the industry. To master the art, a florist will have to constantly practice and create one’s own style. He or she must be adept in using different techniques of arrangement while maintaining a signature style. He or she must create a portfolio that demonstrates their skill as a floral designer. From bouquets to tablescapes, from intimate gatherings to grand weddings – the portfolio should feature all of their best creations! Try and work with a local floristry business for a better understanding of both the art and the economics behind it.

Q: What are the attributes of a master florist?

MEGHAA: When blooms are put in containers without thought they dont have the same effect as flowers that are arranged with design and balance in mind. A master florist creates all kinds of floral designs and decor. Large or small – that have balance, rhythm and captivating beauty. A master florist can create appropriate designs for every occasion with detailed planning and creativity. A master florist will have a signature but will be familiar with all flower arrangement styles and techniques. But the most important aspect is the ability to blend a client’s vision into one’s own creation. A florist is always a part of another person’s special moments and therefore being rigid is not an option. A master floral designer will always have room for a client’s suggestions. Flexibility is an important skill to master. This is not a technical skill, but when the question – how to learn floristry comes up, I would say, this is a much needed flair that a student of floristry must develop to master the art!

Q: How useful is the internet in the area of floristry and the mastery of it?

MEGHAA : In my opinion, very useful! Whether it is a flower store or a home business, one can promote one’s work on the internet via platforms like Instagram and Facebook. We have a big audience online. Most of my students have found me online as an answer to their questions about ‘how to learn floristry’ and ‘how to become a certified florist’ The internet is also the window to the world of floral design and will help you stay on top of flower trends.

Q: Meghaa, you have mastered the art of floristry and today aspiring students come to you to learn the art. How long does it take to master the art?

MEGHAA: I would say for me it is an ongoing process. and I learn something new every day. Some say I have mastered the art but learning is a never-ending journey. I find flower designing fun and full of good energy. I enjoy the creative freedom and also appreciate the ideas of my clients. I believe, for those who offer their heart and soul to the career path they choose, the road is always scenic. How long does it take to master the art of floristry? Well, as long as flowers keep blooming!