It is 2023! We are right in the middle of the ‘new normal’ - something that we eagerly spoke about two years ago, felt it come closer last year and here we are now - breathing it, feeling it, living it. While last year seemed to be a year for reflections, we saw the mood translate into the wedding scene with intimate weddings, minimalist flower trends and low key affairs. 2023, on the other hand, finds itself on the opposite end of that spectrum.

In the new normal there is a new zeal for life. Weddings in 2023 are bigger, brighter, and bolder. You can witness this shift in the choices of venue, in the way lighting is used, in floral arrangement ideas, in the way food is served, and every other thing that forms a part of the wedding experience.

Mixed media artist and luxury floral designer Meghaa Modi, who always keeps a close eye on shifting moods and patterns, is not at all surprised that the latest wedding flower trends and overall character of celebrations has changed as compared to the last couple of years’ from - intimate and simple to the current trend of - magnificent and wholesome. Meghaa says, “We are definitely seeing a big contrast in the nature of demand for floral decorations for weddings. While 2021 and 2022 were all about minimalism and micro celebrations, this year the mood has turned on its head! We are now seeing a trend of maximalism.The more the better! We enjoyed subtleness while it lasted but it is now time to appreciate the bold and the eye-catching!”


Wedding Season 2023 - Maximalism

Maximalism is the trend this wedding season. Maximalism is all about appreciation for grandeur. More is, in fact, more; and more is better. It is about surrounding ourselves with a lot of different things. It is a melange of textures, a medley of patterns! Very similar to what the ‘80s represented, just bigger and better! Over-the-top floral arrangement ideas, elaborate video lighting, large installations, picture booths, gold decor - the works! Couples are choosing the lavish path this year as compared to the last couple of years. Grand weddings are making a comeback and in a way we have never seen before! Everything is larger than life. From floral decoration for weddings to lighting choices, from dinner buffets to guest experiences - the spotlight is on maximalism.

Maximalist Flower Trends - Gorgeous blooms like hydrangea, tulips, anthuriums, cymbidiums, oriental lilies, mokara orchids and vanda orchids will continue to remain in demand. These luxury blooms contribute to the splendor of a grand wedding. A variety of flowers are being used to create sumptuous, colorful floral decoration for weddings that cover every area of the venue with the same pomp as the couple’s stage or mandap. The themes are as showy as they can be. Large floral installations are having their moments these days. Bold is Beautiful.

Maximalist Decor Trends - While earlier we saw the design focus being centered on the couples stage this time around it is difficult to decide which part of the venue is the star of the decor! The stage, the pathway, the dinner table, the guests seating area, photo booths - couples are seeking opulence in everything! We have to agree that in 2023- bling is king!

Maximalist Lighting Trend - Soft hued lights are a thing of yesterday. The trend of  larger than life video lighting is getting more and more popular. The idea of video projection of images on decorations, walls, screens and gardens seems to be a winner and many weddings this year have witnessed this trend. Good video lighting combined with latest floral trends can sure take a wedding to the next level.


Wedding Season 2023 - Riot of Colors


In 2023, psychedelic combinations that create a riot of bright colors coupled with neon lights are gaining popularity largely in contrast to the subdued year that just went by. There is a lot of color being used internationally which is a big shift from the pale hues, whites and pastels that have dominated the western wedding backdrop for generations. Bright colors are in trend globally with bright pinks, purples, shades of orange and lime green taking over.


Viva Magenta - Viva Magenta is the color of the year for 2023 according to The Pantone Color Institute. It is a pinkish purple color - bright and happy - perfect for the joie de vivre that weddings should have. This year this deep color has prominently made its way into floral decoration for weddings, the attire of brides/grooms and even wedding dinner menus.

Bold in Gold - Gold definitely ups the glam quotient! But we are not talking about antique gold or dull finish gold. Bright gold is back in the picture and there is a newfound appreciation for all that glitters! Golden vases, fabric and prop are a big part of the 2023 floral decoration ideas/venue decor.


Wedding Season 2023 - Custom Made Impressions

Premium wedding decorators can metamorphose your wedding venue into a whole new world, a world that your beloved and your guests will remember forever. Couples these days are splurging on wedding decor. One can witness that in the floral decorations for weddings and venue decor. From the floor to the ceiling - every part is beautifully adorned and custom made!

Dance Floors - Grey and red carpets on the floor are passe! Keeping with the trend of maximalism, customized dance floors with high visual appeal are really sought after these days. Playful designs on dance floors can increase the fun quotient significantly. Custom made dance floors have become a part of most high end weddings now.

Ceilings - Hanging decorations are eye-catching and magical. There is a lot of focus on the decor of ceilings of wedding halls and venues. One popular flower trend of 2023 is clouds of flowers hanging on the ceiling. Clouds of breezy gypsophila or dreamy hydrangea are perfect for floral decoration for weddings. Crystal birds, fancy chandeliers, clusters of disco balls and a lot of other creative installations hanging from the ceilings are a part of the 2023 wedding trend. 


Wedding Season 2023 - Creative Tables

Delicious looking grazing tables, fancy cheese platters, mouth watering fresh fruit platters - dramatic tablescape is a big 2023 wedding trend! Couples are looking for creativity in the way drinks are served and hors d'oeuvres are presented. Tables are getting more decorative, cocktails and mocktails more beautiful, and food at weddings look more inviting than ever before! Tablescaping is being taken more seriously now and is an inseparable part of floral decoration for weddings.


Wedding Season 2023 - Innovation

There is a lot of innovation happening in terms of the personal preference of the bride and the groom. Weddings are getting more personalized. Although big, there are a lot of personal details that go into the wedding planning - the couples’ tastes, their experiences and their passions! Well traveled couples like to see a reflection of the countries they have visited in their wedding decor. A couple’s special memories are becoming a part of the experience for guests in the form of video lighting and souvenirs. The couple’s favorite cuisines are being presented in innovative ways to the guests. Their favorite colors can be seen in the flower arrangement ideas. So you see, no two weddings are alike as there is a lot of personal attention given to the bride and the groom and on which designers are creating decor ideas.


Wedding Season 2023 - Immersive Experience

A wedding is a once in a lifetime event. It’s a day where beautiful memories are created.  That is precisely the reason why couples are seeking immersive experiences - for themselves and for their guests. A day that is very different from every other day in every sense. The trends for 2023 clearly demand more theater surrounding the bride- groom and also the guests. Live food counters where dishes are being freshly prepared or juices freshly squeezed are becoming popular. There are more than one videographer/photographer present at weddings today and apart from the couple even guests can have their picture perfect moments at gorgeous photo booths set up at wedding venues. Fresh fragrant flowers that fill up the senses are more in demand as far as floral trends go. Indeed, immersive experience is a big trend in 2023.

So if you are planning a 2023 wedding - make it large!

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